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Builds and deploys a local package to a git repository in a CRAN like structure.

The resulting git repository can then be served via RStudio Connect and accessed as an additional repository next to the main CRAN repository (by setting it via options(repos = )). RStudio Connect can crawl the repository in a defined internal when deploying the git repository via "Import from git". Changes (i.e. new package versions) are picked up automatically.

This is an alternative to hosting and using a private instance of RStudio Package Manager.

The function executes the following tasks:

  • Build a tarball of the package via pkgbuild::build().

  • Add the built package in a CRAN like structure to a temporary git clone of the upstream git repository via drat. “

  • Render (and create if missing) the drat package website.

  • Commit and push the changes to the git repository.


deploy_minicran_package(drat_repo, commit_message = NULL, dry_run = FALSE)



The git repository to deploy to. Can be any git vendor.


An optional git commit message. If not supplied, the message will be of the form Update <pkg> to version <version> with the values inferred from the DESCRIPTION file.


When TRUE, the final git commit/push steps are skipped.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

deploy_minicran_package(drat_repo = "")
} # }